Year 2 Lime
Please see below our Year 2 Curriculum Presentation 2023-24
year 2 curriculum evening presentation 2023.pdf
Lime Class Update - Autumn 1
Lime Class have settled into Year 2 happily! We're really enjoying getting to know them all better and it was lovely to meet you at the recent parents’ evening.
Our reading and writing in English this half term have been based on ‘The King Who Wouldn’t Sleep’ and ‘Prince Cinders’. We’ve focused on using correct capital letters and writing sentences that make sense. We’ve worked on our pencil grip and letter formation using the ‘magic bubbles’ in our handwriting lessons. Next half term, we’ll write a speech in the present tense and a diary entry in the past tense.
In Maths, we began the year by consolidating our understanding of number and place value and revising number bonds to 10, then moved onto mental and written methods of addition. Next half term, we’ll learn how to add with renaming and mental and written methods of subtraction.
We’ve investigated the properties of everyday materials in Science: discovering materials in our school grounds, testing absorbency of bathroom materials and waterproofing paper using wax. We’ll be exploring the stretchiness of materials and the uses of flammable and fire-resistant materials after half term.
In our ‘Our Kingdom’ Geography and History theme, we’ve asked the question: ‘What is the United Kingdom and who protects it?’. In PSHE, we’ve considered how to be ready, respectful and safe in our school community. In RE, we’ve discussed Christian parables. In Music, we’ve looked at pulse, rhythm and pitch and prepared our song to perform in the Harvest Festival. In Computing, we’ve focused on e-safety. In PE, we’ve improved our football skills and enjoyed learning Zumba moves in dance. In Art, we’ve experimented with applying the use of colour and shape we’d observed in Paul Klee’s ‘Castle and Sun’ in our own abstract chalk drawing. Finally, in DT we’ve used our knowledge of stable, strong and stiff structures to build thrones fit for a king!
After half term, our theme will be ‘London’s Burning’. We’ll learn about the Great Fire of London in History and how it changed the city in Geography. We’ll find out how a computer works in Computing and sew pouches in DT using running stitch. In PE, we’ll be developing netball skills and building fitness. We’ll make and decorate clay Christmas tree decorations in Art and explore the Christmas story in RE.
We’re looking forward to rehearsing Christmas songs in Music and performing our Nativity play to you all!
Please keep reading with your child(ren) daily, discussing their books and questioning them to check for understanding. Keep up the TT Rockstars – the children’s progress this half term has been amazing!
Have a lovely half term break,
Miss Robinson and the Year 2 team