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Part of The Howard Partnership Trust


Year 3 Willow Class

Class Teacher Miss Millie Phipps

Please see below our Year 3 Curriculum Presentation 2024-25

stl 2024 25 year 3 curriculum powerpoint for parents final copy 1 .pdf







Willow Class update - Spring 1


Willow Class have had a fantastic half term back after the Christmas break, settling quickly into their learning. We’ve started a new theme, One Planet, moving on from the Stone Age to explore the Bronze Age and Iron Age. In English, our class book has been The Iron Man, which the children have thoroughly enjoyed so far – engaging in activities such as writing nonet poems, designing Iron Man posters, and finishing the half term with a diary entry. The children's posters were incredibly impressive. They used bold colours, catchy slogans, and various creative elements to make their posters stand out. They also had a fantastic time brainstorming ideas, planning, and bringing their posters to life. Additionally, we’ve been reading Stig of the Dump, leading to exciting class discussions and predictions about what might happen next.


Over the past six weeks, Willow Class have moved on from multiplication and division to exploring measurement. They have learned to measure using a tape measure, ruler, and even a measuring jug. Our focus has been on different units of measurement, for example, millimetres, centimetres, and metres for length, millilitres and litres for volume, and grams and kilograms for weight. The children have really enjoyed this topic in maths. After half term, we will be focusing on money before moving on to time.


Finally, the children once again had a fantastic time in Forest School this half term, getting well and truly muddy! They worked in pairs to learn how to chop wood and build a fire, which they thoroughly enjoyed. As always, there are some great pictures to share. We have also had children creating their own Iron Man or Stig of the dump shows which the class have thoroughly enjoyed watching. Wishing everyone a wonderful half term and a restful break, we look forward to returning for the lead up to Easter!