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Year 5 Ash Class
Class Teacher Mrs Suzan Kern
Please see below our Year 5 Curriculum Presentation 2024-25
stl 2024 25 year 5 curriculum powerpoint for parents.pdf
Ash Class Update - Autumn 2
In Year 5 we have enjoyed our learning about Space and in particular our visit to Winchester Science Centre. The children really impressed me with the way they applied their learning from Computing lessons to the rocket workshop we attended. In Geography we have been learning how to read maps and the impact of space exploration on maps and mapping.
In English we are continuing to enjoy reading ‘The Last Human’ and are spotting lots of cross curricular links with our science and computing lessons. The children have written a range of space related science fiction, poetry and non-fiction texts.
In Maths we have now almost completed our learning on number and the four operations although we will continue to embed this learning throughout the rest of the year.
Next half term our learning theme is ‘Bountiful Biomes.’ We will be learning about different biomes around the world. In maths we will move on to learning more about fractions and decimals.