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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Information for New Starters

St Lawrence Primary School welcomes new starters, whether starting school for the first time in our Reception Class or joining us from another school. 

Before your child starts, we need to have sight of your child’s birth certificate – please bring it into the office for us to record we have seen the original, for our records.

All new starters will be provided with a pack of forms from the school office to complete. 

Parental Consent

Before starting at St Lawrence, we need to know if parents give consent/permission for the following: photo consent, local walks, medical needs in school, PG rated video clips, Home/School  Partnership Agreement and E-Safety Agreement.  When your child starts with us you will receive a form in your admissions pack where you can inform us of your consent to the above.  The information below gives you additional details where necessary.

Click here to view the Policy on using photographic images of students

Home-School Partnership Agreement

E-Safety Agreement


Parents may also like to give their Year 5 and 6 children the opportunity to walk to and from school unaccompanied by an adult. 

click here to view our ‘Permission to walk to and from school without adult supervision’ letter.

THPT Privacy notice

You have a legal right to be informed about how our school uses any personal information that we hold about you and your child.  Click here to view

General Information

Find out where to park, drop-off and collection times and lots more …. click here

SIMS Parent App - Data Collection

This is the way in which we make sure that all the information we hold in school about your child is up to date. Please click here for further details.

The Friends of St Lawrence

For information about our fantastic Friends Committee, please look at their pages under the 

About Us tab.