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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Ethos & Values

Our Ethos

At St Lawrence we believe in learning.
All kinds of learning for all kinds of children.
We put learning at the heart of everything we do.
This is because we know that wherever learning flourishes, 
children flourish too.

St Lawrence - where learning flourishes.

Our Trust's Statement of Intent

The Howard Partnership Trust will bring out the best by providing a rich experience both within and beyond the classroom. This will enable all our young people to thrive personally and academically, overcome challenges and make a positive contribution to society.

Our Curriculum Statement of Intent

At St Lawrence, we will ensure that learning flourishes through our enquiry-based curriculum, empowering our children to 'Be the Change' they want to see in the world.

Our Core Principles

- we inspire learning
- we feed curiosity
- we show courage
- we have ambition
- we celebrate success
...for all our children


In all that we do and across our curriculum, we seek to encourage and support children's understanding of fundamental British Values. 

Pupils are taught to value 

  • Democracy: We make decisions together
  • Rule of Law: We understand the need for rules 
  • Individual Liberty: We believe in freedom for all 
  • Mutual Respect: We treat others how we would like to be treated
  • Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs: We accept and celebrate diversity

In addition to the British Values above, at St Lawrence children learn to demonstrate these additional School Values through structured assemblies, recognition systems and curriculum opportunities:

  • September – responsibility
  • October – citizenship
  • November – respect
  • December – tolerance
  • January – commitment
  • February – cooperation
  • March – honesty
  • April – kindness
  • May – fairness
  • June – teamwork
  • July – courage

Our Rules

We have three basic expectations for our whole school community. We meet these expectations by showing our shared values. Therefore at St Lawrence, we are always:

  • Ready
  • Respectful
  • Safe