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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

About St Lawrence

Where children flourish

Happy children make the best learners and when you step through the door you instantly get a sense of the warm and nurturing environment that sets St Lawrence apart. With just one class per year group, St Lawrence is a small, friendly school where children feel happy and secure, able to grow in confidence as they seize every opportunity to feed their curiosity and play a bigger part in all aspects of school life.

Pupils benefit from attending this caring and inclusive school.

Pupils progress well through the school's planned curriculum and end of key stage outcomes are positive.

Pupils show genuine respect for diversity and share and celebrate the difference within the local community. 
Ofsted February 2023

Outstanding learning

As part of The Howard Partnership Trust, St Lawrence works in partnership with our family of schools, developing outstanding curriculum practice that ensures all children learn the curriculum well and make strong progress. As a result, children at St Lawrence typically achieve above both the Surrey and national averages in all National Curriculum assessments. Joining The Howard Partnership Trust builds on these strong foundations and enables the school to fulfil its ambition to deliver the very highest standards of education so that every child can flourish, whatever their educational needs.

Leaders have put in place an ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum. They have agreed on what pupils will learn by the end of primary school and have planned out the small steps of knowledge that pupils will need to achieve this.

Ofsted February 2023

Inspirational teaching

Inspiring an enthusiasm for learning requires passionate teachers, able to combine creativity with best practice in the classroom. Each teacher at St Lawrence has their own field of expertise which strengthens the quality of teaching and learning in the curriculum area that they lead. The school also benefits from the specific subject expertise taught by our colleagues from The Howard of Effingham Secondary School. Also, uniquely among local schools, Year 6 children benefit from an extended induction programme at The Howard of Effingham, extending their learning and making them ready for the move to secondary school in September.
Comments from Parent Surveys

  • “Passionate and experienced teachers who really nurture pupils individuality. A positive and dedicated team of staff who all contribute to St Lawrence being a happy and safe community in which to learn.”

  • “My daughter is treated as an individual and given the tools she needs to flourish.”

  • “I like how all children are recognised as individuals and the teachers and children in different year groups know other children in other year groups. There is a real family feel at the school.”

  •  “The passion and care shown by the staff, from teachers and TA’s to leadership and sports/wrap around care staff.”

  • “Small community, good communication and support, children love attending school.”

  • “I like that it’s a small school where all the staff know my children by name. I like that I am known in the office as I walk in and I’m always made to feel welcome. I feel that the whole child is seen as important, not just academically and their well-being and happiness are just as important. I like that the head and deputy are there in the mornings and afternoons to say hello. My children are lucky to be here at this small and nurturing school.”

  • “The community spirit and friendliness.”

Bringing out the best

Bringing out the individual talents of every child, cultivating both self-esteem and a sense of team spirit is at the heart of what St Lawrence does best. An outstanding programme of residential trips, and a range of drama, sports, music and other extra-curricular activities all contribute to an outstanding personal development offer.

Teachers ensure that children have strong foundations of knowledge.

Staff are experts in teaching phonics and, as a result, they plan lessons that make sure all pupils, including those with SEND, learn to read well.  
Children maintain high levels of attention in class and continue to have positive attitudes to learning throughout their time in St Lawrence. 

Leaders capture the views of pupils about what clubs and activities interest them and a high number of pupils attend. 

Ofsted February 2023

A stimulating learning environment

The school has large, bright classrooms, all with access to their own outside space. St Lawrence has a modern, spacious school hall, a large school kitchen, a children's kitchen, a specialist learning hub and a newly extended library area with additional learning space for small group work. St Lawrence also has impressive outside facilities with a fantastic school field which includes an orchard, and an allotment area all of which are used during our Forest School sessions.

Pupils are proud to show their values of 'ready, respectful and safe' which is clear to see in the positive behaviour pupils show in all parts of the school. 

Pupils understand and value the high expectations adults in the school have for them and meet these expectations consistently. 

Ofsted February 2023