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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Expectations for Communicating with St Lawrence

School life is very busy and we are not always able to reply to queries by email straight away, but we aim to respond within 2 working days. Parent meetings with staff are by appointment and normally require 2 working days' notice. Please contact the school office in the first instance to book an appointment.

In the interest of supporting staff wellbeing, we encourage our staff to only read and respond to emails during their typical working hours. To help support this, we request that parents only send emails between the hours of 7.30am to 5.30pm. The impact of receiving a work-related email of any nature has a knock on effect on our staffs’ ability to manage and maintain a work-life balance, which impacts on our core purpose to bring out the best for our pupils on a daily basis. We therefore request that if you are writing an email during the evening, you save your draft and send it the following morning after 7.30am, or make use of the delayed deliver function.

The above will also apply if you are upset by something which has happened at school and want to contact us to get the problem sorted out: please write your email, or leave a telephone message, in a calm, objective tone, as it is important that staff do not receive any overly personal, accusatory or aggressive messages. We are always willing to listen to any concerns and do our best to resolve issues and we understand that your child’s welfare can be a highly emotional subject, but it is important that we work together in a measured way to ensure the best outcome for all concerned.

We also ask that parents to use our website in the first instance for upcoming dates, or information about clubs etc., before phoning our office staff to answer this type of query. There is a search button on the top right hand side of the front page of the website to help you.

Our staff love getting positive feedback from our school community. Lots of you are very generous and do tell us when we have done something special, but if anyone at school has done something which has made you happy at any time, please let us know.