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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust


We are pleased to share our Ofsted monitoring visit report with you.

In this ungraded (Section 8) inspection, the school’s prior grading of ‘Good’ cannot change. However, the evaluation and commentary in this report represents incredible further achievement and reflects major steps taken in securing an exceptional quality of education for our children.

“Pupils benefit from attending this caring and inclusive school.”

[Pupils] are proud to show their values” and show “genuine respect and kindness to each other.” 

“Adults have high expectations for all pupils…[who] are given the support they need to achieve well.”

“An ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum…[which] successfully builds pupils’ knowledge.”

“Pupils progress well through the school’s planned curriculum and … outcomes are positive.”

“Pupils show genuine respect for diversity and … celebrate the difference with the local community.”

We are therefore very much looking forward to receiving a graded inspection in the future.

  • Inspection date 21-22 February 2023

  • Overall effectiveness of 'GOOD' retained in all areas

  • View the report

Parent View

Parent View gives parents/carers the opportunity to tell Ofsted what you think of St Lawrence Primary School.

Please click on the  link below and follow the instructions on how to complete the short survey:

Parent View