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Number Bonds

Number bonds show how numbers are split or combined. An essential strategy of Singapore maths, number bonds reflect the ‘part-part-whole’ relationship of numbers.

What is a number bond?

Number bonds let students split numbers in useful ways. They show how numbers join together, and how they break down into component parts. When used in Year 1, number bonds forge the number sense needed for early primary pupils to move to addition and subtraction. As pupils progress, number bonds become an essential mental problem-solving strategy.

How do number bonds work?

Number bonds are represented by circles connected by lines. The ‘whole’ is written in the first circle, while the ‘parts’ are in the adjoining circles.

Children are usually introduced to number bonds through the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) approach. Here’s just one way this is represented in a problem

Taking the concept a step further ……..

This example shows how a pupil would develop their number sense, or mathematical fluency, by using

number bonds to perform a mental calculation.