Year 6 Beech Class
Class teachers - Mrs Lowes and Mrs Dowsett
Please see below our Year 6 Curriculum Presentation 2024-25
stl curriculum powerpoint for parents y6 2024 2025.pdf
Class Update - Autumn 2
It has been a very busy term in Year 6, and we have been so impressed with how hard the class has worked as we’ve delved into our curriculum areas.
In maths we have focused on fractions and decimals, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing these as well as comparing them. Please do encourage your child to continue to practise their times tables as fluency in these will really help them to access the Year 6 maths curriculum.
In English, we have focused on narratives by re-telling new and familiar stories. We have looked at varying sentence structure and length for affect, description of characters and settings and the use of dialogue including speech punctuation.
In DT, the children designed and made playgrounds, including structures that could be played with and climbed on. They even thought about landscaping and included stepping stones and shrubs.
For one of our PE units this term we have been learning to play netball. We were so impressed with how quickly the children picked up the rules and developed their skills and tactics. They showed great teamwork and commitment throughout the unit.
It was an absolute pleasure to watch the class supporting our Reception children on their Christmas shopping day. The adults in the room all commented on how caring and supportive the year sixes were.
Next term, we are very much looking forward to our Battle of Britain unit and visiting Henley Fort in Guildford to enhance our learning.
We wish you all a wonderful Christmas break and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year. We thank you for your continued support,
The Year 6 Team.