Year 6 Beech Class
Class teachers - Mrs Lowes and Mrs Dowsett
Please see below our Year 6 Curriculum Presentation 2024-25
stl curriculum powerpoint for parents y6 2024 2025.pdf
Class Update - Spring 1
It has been rather a creative half term in Beech class as we have created art pieces linked to the Blitz and designed and made waistcoats out of used material. We were so impressed with the resilience that the children showed and the creativity in their designs - we hope that you enjoyed seeing what they created too! A big thank you too to our three parent volunteers for lending us a hand during the sessions.
Our maths learning has seen us developing our understanding of percentages and the links to fractions and decimals. We have focused on finding 1% and 10% and scaling these up and down to find other percentages. We have also used ratio to solve a variety of problems.
In English, we have been imagining what life was like for children who were evacuated from cities during WWII. We have written letters in character, thinking about the punctuation that we can use to control our writing, including semi-colons.
Next term, we will be starting our Darwin’s Delight unit which will include a visit to the British Wildlife Centre where we will be accompanied by a zookeeper for the day who will teach us all about the species at the centre. Please do also check your emails for details of our upcoming SATs information evening and our Y6 parent's evening.
The Year 6 Team